Please use the below guides if you are experiencing any issues with your emails. It you require further assistance, please contact Technical Support.
Before proceeding further, first check that you have used the correct settings as detailed in our Mail for Mac guide.
If you have used the correct details as outlined, try disabling the box labelled ‘Automatically manage connection settings’.
This can be located by:
- Clicking the ‘Mail’ menu in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Next to the apple icon.
- Click ‘Preferences’.
- Click on ‘Accounts’ at the top of the GENERAL dialog.
- Click on the ‘Server Settings’ menu to the right of the dialog.
- Uncheck ‘Automatically manage connection settings’ in either/both POP and SMTP sections.
- Additional settings will appear for configuration. You can reference some of these off our General Settings page.
If you are unsure, please contact Technical Support.
If you are accessing/configuring a new or existing email account and you are receiving a timeout error, it’s possible your IP may be blocked.
IP Blocks may occur if you have a software firewall and/or anti-virus on your computer that is blocking your access. Alternately, it’s also possible that you or someone using your internet connection have attempted access to an OntheNet email account using incorrect credentials. This can occur either using an email client such as Mac Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and additionally through OntheNet WebMail.
To find out if you have been blocked, please see the section below labelled ‘Unable to send emails due to timeout error and unable to access OntheNet Webmail’ or contact Technical Support.
If you are having difficulty sending emails from overseas or with a different internet carrier, there are some things to check:
- Check the error that you are getting, as the errors can be clues to the cause of the issue.
- If the error provided says “554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE] blocked using” then it means that your IP address has been detected as having recently sent spam. Refer to our section below on CBL Abuse blocking.
- If the error provided says “550 5.7.1 Service unavailable due to Spam score” then it means that content within the email you are trying to send has suspicious content that requires further review. Refer to our section below on Cloudmark Spam Score.
- Some providers do not allow mail to be sent on port 25 which is a common SMTP port used for sending mail. You may need to swap to our roaming settings.
- To use roamaing settings, you will need to:
- Change your SMTP Port Number to 587
- Provide your email username and password in the SMTP section (refer to your service details sheet also found in the Online Toolbox).
- To use roamaing settings, you will need to:
- Check and see if your current internet carrier at your location has a preferred SMTP server you can use to send emails.
- If all else fails, you can try sending the email directly from our website via webmail.
If you have received the error “550 5.7.1 Service unavailable due to Spam score” then it means that content within the email you are trying to send has suspicious content that requires further review.
Here are some steps you can take:
- Remove all content from the email including Images, URLs, Embedded or attached files and email addresses (except in the To:, From: and CC/BCC fields) then send a plain text email to your contact/recipient. If the email successfully sends, then this is confirmation that one or more of the items you removed is triggering spam countermeasures.
- If you are replying to a message and getting this error, try removing the senders quoted content and send your reply. If the email successfully sends, then this narrows down the issue to something in their own content that they have sent you. You should alert them to this and advise that their emails (perhaps images, emails, URLs or something in their signature) is triggering spam checks.
- If you are still unsure, or you need further advice, please contact OntheNet Technical Support. You may be requested to forward a copy to us as an attachment, the Technical Support representative will assist you.
If you have received the error “554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE] blocked using” then it means that your IP address has been detected as having recently sent spam.
Here are some steps you can take:
- Confirm that your IP matches the error, you can do this from

- Check with your internet provider if your IP Address is STATIC (never changing) or DYNAMIC (changes on modem reboot or loss of session) and take note.
- Run both an Anti-Virus AND Malware scanner on ALL computers and devices that use the same local network on premises. Ensure that the scanners are up to date and using the latest definitions.
- If the scans reveal an infection from virus or malware, run all recommended quarantine and removal recommendations and then re-scan again.
- Once you receive confirmation that all devices are clean and clear of infection, you will need to then move onto dealing with the IP block we mentioned earlier.
- If your IP is DYNAMIC, there’s a possibility the block occurred when the same IP was being used by someone before you temporarily inherited it. This is common practice amongst ISPs/RSPs, to share a pool of addresses. Try rebooting your modem/router and see if you get a new IP address. You can check again at and compare it to the initial IP you were given. Once you have a new IP, try and re-send. If that still does not work, you can try requesting a de-listing:
- If your IP is STATIC you can also request a de-listing by visiting We would only recommend doing this AFTER determining the cause of the block. If you have not properly isolated and cleaned the network, you risk re-listing and being blocked for longer.
Advice: If you travel or use a dynamic IP often, you should consider using a VPN to securely transmit emails and to ensure that you are not using a blocked IP Address.
Many customers are, in increasing volumes, receiving calls or emails from people claiming to be from OntheNet. These calls/email types range from conversations such as:
- Your webmail password is about to expire.
- Your computer has been hacked.
- Your internet connection is running slow or faulty.
- Your internet connection is public and exposed.
- Your credit card details are outdated.
It’s imperative to be vigilant and on the lookout for calls like this as they pose a great danger to your personal identity and in some cases your personal safety.
OntheNet emails will always be from an ‘’ address (ie:,,
Emails from OntheNet will always have this disclaimer and our physical address on the bottom of the email:

In addition, calls from OntheNet will always originate from the telephone number (07) 5553 9222 as that is our official business number.
To stay safe, always do the following:
- Check phone number of the caller or, for emails, verify the senders email address and the signature at the bottom.
- Should there be any uncertainty, do not answer any questions or reply to the email.
- Cease all communications and call OntheNet directly via our office number on (07) 5553 9222 and discuss the matter with us. We will be able to confirm for you if there is reason to be concerned or if there is a misunderstanding.
If you are getting timeout errors AND unable to access the OntheNet webmail page then your IP address might have been blocked.
You might ask “Why was my IP address blocked?” The answer is that OntheNet use security countermeasures to prevent intrusion into your mailbox and protect against attacks like “Brute Force”. This means that too many failed login attempts will trigger our security and block the IP address supplied to you by your Internet Provider.
While its very effective at preventing unwanted access, it unfortunately is not forgiving to those who have forgotten their password or who have made a typographical error in the mail client settings. The good news is that this is generally easy to fix.
If you suspect your IP has been blocked, please give OntheNet a call on (07) 5553 9222 and ensure to have your IP Address on hand. To see what your IP Address is, browse to and note the IPv4 numbers shown below.